This blog is my blog about superheros and what I am doing.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

oh I have short hair!

Hello guys! I have short hair now. I might be bald! Just joking. I am not bald. But I do have short hair. I hope you have fun seeing how short it is. It is pretty short, you know. That's my post.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My comic book

I made a comic book today. I bet you would like it. I has features, fun and joy. Well, I bet you would like all the excitement you can have with this new post because you can print the comic book out. Hope you enjoy. From, Linus

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Watto's machines

Today I made machines. But, I have to tell you something first. I think you know Watto? He is from Star Wars. He is a flying creature, has a crazy gun and he owns a store. I like to pretend to be him.

I made a fruit squeezer and a fruit cutter. The fruit squeezer almost works. And the fruit cutter almost works, too. I sold them for $400. That's all!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our trip to Minneapolis

We went to Minneapolis. It was really fun. We drove a long stinkin way to there. You can see it on my map in my room. We visited Matt and Jen. And I picked up Lael, their new baby. She smelled like baby spit. I really liked her becasue she's cute, chubby, fun and she didn't cry. I nicknamed her the chubby chicken. We also played with Mokie (the dog), we went to the Lego Store, we came back to their house and I got a new bunkbed at IKEA. Now we're back home. That's all for my report.

Linus's famous chocolate milk

Today I made chocolate milk. It is very yummy. I'm going to put the recipe on.

The instructions are: Put chocolate chips in a pan on the stove. Get the milk and pour it on the chips. Stir it and let the milk and the chocolate chips blend together as you stir it and make the chocolate chips melt. Then you put it in the oven for 3 minutes. Then you take it out and you can drink it.

This is what i have for today.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hi thith ith Linuth

I have a missing tooth! See my dirty old tooth? I was reading a book and I twisted my tooth so much that it came out while we were reading an Arthur book. It is an incisor. No blood is coming from it. There are 3 different teeth: incisor, canine and molar. They all have different jobs.

Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day

Today we read "Nouns And Verbs Have A Field Day" by Robin Pulver. It was a very cool book. It was about nouns and verbs, but it was cool because the nouns and verbs had faces, arms, hands and feet and legs. One noun was 'scissors'. One verb was 'guess'. Nouns are person, place thing or idea. Verbs are an action. All sorts of fun things in this book. If you come to my house I can let you read it if you know how to read. You should read it. That's all for today! -- Linus and his great, great blog!